What is Yaalr?
Yaalr is Yet Another Apache Log Reader. It's a perl script that reads an web access log file and outputs either a report on the command line or an html page with a graph. Yaalr is actively developed and there is a release available below. Please note that the graphing version of Yaalr is only available through the subversion repository at the moment since it has not gone through sufficient testing for release yet. A formal release should happen within the next few months or weeks. Currently Yaalr supports three types of access logs: common, combined, and combined with cookies. These formats are all available now.Features:
- create an easy to use access log reader
- fast overview of your web traffic
- licensed under the GPL
- simple to install without any software depdencies
- understands three different log types; common, combined, combined with cookies
- allow you to control your web traffic analysis and
not share it with a third party
Download it here!
- Yaalr 1.3 is now available
- There is now a discussion forum for YAALR at Google Groups. You can subscribe below.
Read this group online. Or subscribe here;Roadmap:
I am going to add a demo page and much more information. Work to turn Yaalr into a CPAN module has already begun, but I am always going to support a small Yaalr script that does not need modules from CPAN because sometimes that is just what one needs. I am also interested in integrating some other perl modules into the Yaalr module, like the W3C log validator. Any requests or feedback is welcome. If you find a bug, or if you want to request support or even a feature, you can do that here: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=133057 To get Yaalr with graphing powers use this command from the command line:svn co http://yaalr.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/yaalr/yaalr_web yaalr_web
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